Saturday, October 16, 2010

My First Affiliate and it's called Blogging Espionage

Now that I have my ID from ClickBank, I can start selling their stuff and earn commission.  I spent some good amount of hours researching what to promote and this affiliate called Blogging Espionage (www.bloggingespionage.com) came to me as most strong in their advertising.  By strong I mean I was really compelled to join and guess what?  I did.  I checked out their stuff and information was very good in that it was very real and applicable with step-by-step action items.  I'm going to use this along with this blog and see where it goes.  If you're reading this, check the date of this posting and you can see how long it has been and how well I'm doing.

I hope this Blogging Espionage affiliate will get me off to a good start.  They offer lot of tool in their back office, so I'm going to start implementing those one by one and I'll be writing about my experience here.

Wish me luck...

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